Portland Wrongful Death Lawyers
A slip and fall accident can happen in almost any location. From slipping on a wet restaurant floor to stumbling on an uneven sidewalk, it can happen to anyone. But how do you know if your specific situation has the grounds to file a claim? In this article, we’ll provide you with details and tips on what to do if you feel you need an Oregon slip and fall attorney and how to proceed from there.
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Motorcycle Accident
Hit and Run
Pedestrian Accident
Bicycle Accident
Car Accident
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Wrongful Death Lawyer in Portland
The loss of a loved one can take a considerable toll under any circumstances. When that loss may have occurred because of another’s wrongful conduct, the loss may be even more traumatic and difficult to process. In this situation, a lawsuit is probably the last thing you want to take on. However, it’s important to understand that there's a specific amount of time to file a lawsuit in Oregon and Washington. With a trusted and experienced wrongful death lawyer by your side, you and your family will be in a much better position to receive the financial compensation you deserve.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Oregon
When a person dies in Oregon under certain circumstances, the death can be filed as a civil Oregon wrongful death claim. This claim may result in compensation. When the death of a person is caused by another person’s recklessness, negligence, or intentional conduct, the law allows for a wrongful death claim or lawsuit.
These claims can seek compensation for expenses related to the wrongful death. This would include medical bills, lost wages, and burial and memorial expenses. The Oregon wrongful death statute also allows for the recovery of money for the loss of future income the deceased would have earned throughout his or her life, lost medical insurance, and retirement funds. The beneficiaries of the decedent may also receive compensation for the loss of companionship. This amount may not exceed $500,000. Only the personal representative of the decedent's estate may file a wrongful death claim and the personal representative must be appointed by the court in the county in which the decedent resided or died.
Exploring your rights and potential wrongful death claim under Oregon law is of the utmost importance.
Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations in Oregon
A statute of limitations is a law that sets a time limit on how long you can file a lawsuit after a dispute or incident has taken place. Statutes of limitations are based on the idea that disputes should be settled within a chosen amount of time to ensure the evidence is still available and everyone involved remembers the details of what happened. There are different statutes of limitations for different types of claims.
The statute of limitations for wrongful death cases in Oregon is three years from the time of the accident or injury-causing death. The same time limit applies in the state of Washington. While three years may seem like a long period of time to bring action against someone in a wrongful death case, it can be a lengthy and time-consuming process leading up to the filing of the case.
A substantial amount of evidence must be gathered in a wrongful death action linking the at-fault individual to the death of your loved one. Compiling and gathering evidence could include obtaining medical records to prove that the individual was in fact the cause of your loved one’s death. Testimonies of individuals who witnessed the accident or death, obtaining representation to allow you to pursue the claim in court, and other various actions need to take place in order to prove your case.
Most Common Causes of Oregon Wrongful Death Cases?
Studies show that there are 5 main causes when it comes to Oregon wrongful death accidents. They are as follows:
1. Medical malpractice- Medical malpractice occurs when healthcare professionals negligently fail to deliver treatment and the patient passes away. Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed against hospitals, doctors, or others deemed responsible for negligent treatment.
2. Workplace accidents- When a wrongful death occurs in the workplace, employers may be held liable for damages. If the accident lies with a third party where they have provided defective equipment, or an unsafe operating environment, contact a wrongful death attorney in Portland.
3. Motor vehicle accidents- Multiple wrongful death accidents happen involving car crashes, motorcycle accidents, bicycle injuries, pedestrian accidents, and accidents involving large trucks.
4. Criminal acts- A criminal act such as vehicular manslaughter is subject to both civil and criminal prosecution. A civil case must be brought on behalf of the deceased’s legal representation or family member.
5. Defective products- If your loved one’s death was caused due to improper installation of equipment, unsafe operating procedures, or unsafe design of a product, the manufacturer of the equipment or product may be held liable.
How a Wrongful Death Attorney can help you
Lawyers who specialize in wrongful death cases have a detailed knowledge of the legal process involved with this type of claim. This kind of expertise can be extremely beneficial in your case. In a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s very important that all deadlines are met to keep your case active. Your attorney can make sure all legal documents are properly completed and filed properly.
An Attorney Knows the Value of Your Claim
Due to experience, your Portland attorney knows how to properly value your claim. They will thoroughly evaluate your situation to assess the variety of ways you and your family have been impacted by this loss.
An Attorney Can Save You Time and Money
If you attempt to navigate this process by yourself, it will consume your time. Because you don’t possess the knowledge and experience that an attorney does, it can take you far more time if you try to handle things on your own. Your attorney can handle the entire complicated process, freeing up time for you to be with loved ones and heal from your traumatic situation.
An Attorney Can Provide Support
Your attorney can be a great source of support for you and your family during this trying time. By handling the tedious details of the court case, they relieve you of this burden. Because your attorney isn’t emotionally connected to the case, they can think clearly and be level-headed when handling your case.
Wrongful Death Claims in Oregon
If a loved one has been killed because of another person’s conduct, don’t attempt to walk the path of restitution alone. Shannon Powell represents victims and their families who have been wrongfully injured because of careless or reckless actions. The legal system is difficult to navigate. Turn to an experienced and trusted attorney to evaluate your case and lend support during this tragic time.
*Nothing herein constitutes legal advice. You should obtain independent legal counsel regarding your specific factual situation.